Yoshimi Futamura


    Yoshimi Futamura's uses a blend of stoneware clays and a mixture of fired and raw granulated porcelain to create her collapsed rounded forms that appear both vegetal and geological in origin. These forms are sometimes encrusted with feldspar, and enhanced with cobalt and iron oxide glazes on the interior. Yoshimi’s Rebirth series, some of which is in Earthly Bodies, is charged by the artist’s profound connection to matter and her use of clay as a medium to express metamorphosis and the fruitful tension between control and fluidity. Entrenched in Japan’s philosophical treatise on nature and the destructive ecological events that have taken place within her home country, Yoshimi’s aesthetic language emulates what she refers to as a conversation with the clay, often in the form a wrestle with primordial force within clay. Her sculptural pieces, crack, swerve and collapse, bringing movement and demolition to stillness inside sculptural space. 
    Yoshimi Futamura was born in Nagoya, Japan, now resides in Paris. She has created several series of work over the past decade with titles such as Racines (roots), Rhizomes, and Vagues de terre (Earthen Waves). She received her degree in design from the Seto Ceramic Research Center. Upon moving to Paris, she completed a degree at Centre Artisanal de Ceramique de l’Ecole Duperre. She has taught in Sri Lanka at the Handi-craft Ceramic Center Waragoda and the Musée Guimet, Paris.

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